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About the book


The book is truly a beautiful story telling, art book. With my art and photography background, I created 40 plus large, enchanting images used throughout the book. All of the images of the coyote are the actual photographs I took of him and in some cases, I then artistically combined them with a more painterly background of the actual location. The story starts off with an imagined evening of the night before (10 pages) leading into the morning when the Toy Thief first came into view. His moments of play are shown and retold faithfully to the actual event along with imagined thoughts that very plausibly he might be having.


Why did I choose to use a more artistic background in some images? This is truly an art book and I wanted each page to be aesthetically pleasing and provide a smooth transition between the imagined scenes of the night before and the actual scenes of him with the toy. 


Book Specs:

Size: 10" wide x11" tall

96 pages (possibly more)

Printed on 100lb matte paper 

Printed hardcover with silver foil lettering


The First Edition will be a limited edition of only 250. All books will be signed and numbered by me starting with #11, with the numbers correlating to the order they are reserved. The first 10 are reserved by me. The book is expected to be ready and shipped to me by the end of August at which point I'll contact everyone who has a book reserved to verify your address and to process your payment then sign and number the books and mail them out by the end of September!

Two pages from the book:


From the imagined night before.

In the 10 or so pages of the imagined night before, I wanted to include some interesting behaviors of coyotes, ones that he very well could have had on a night out hunting in winter.


A moment with the toy

One of the many moments of the Toy Thief with the toy.  A two page spread in the book, this image is an important one. It demonstrates a certain behavior much more often observed in animals like male deer. My story touches on this behavior after I realized it is indeed what it appears to be. You'll have to read the story to find out what I mean.

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